Cold process soaps
For the making of soaps of our brand La Savonnerie de la Chapelle, we use an ancestral method: cold saponification.
Cold saponification is an ancestral process: cold soap is not heated. We do not heat the ingredients so that they preserve all their raw qualities.
Then the soap is carefully rested for 1 month, thus preserving the properties and benefits of all the ingredients that compose it. Cold saponification makes it possible to design soaps enriched with precious oils, scented with essential oils and supplemented with many natural additions with countless virtues.
Our manufacturing secrets

Vegetable oils to nourish the skin: Almond, Shea,
Cocoa, Castor,
Sesame, Apricot, …

Additions virtuous:
Coal , Spices,
Snail slime ,
Donkey milk ,
Seeds, …

Essential oils to perfume:
Mint, Lavender,
Grapefruit, Mandarin ,
Ylang-ylang, …

Natural clays and oxides to
give color: Red,
Rose, Green ,
Yellow, …
IPB Lab Normandie has surrounded itself with experts and researchers in cosmetics to develop unique and innovative formulations. Our knowledge of the virtues and properties of the ingredients as well as the possible combinations gives us the possibility to create high quality cosmetics with a real interest for hair, face or body. In addition, our infrastructure allows us to design cosmetics on a large production scale while maintaining artisanal quality. Our productions can be labeled or not: Cosmecert Natural, Cosmecert Organic, Bio Earth Durable.
Our engagements

IPB lab promotes the use of noble, high quality, organic, locally sourced, natural ingredients.
Our products meet the requirements of the label Bio Earth Durable:
– Global organic sourced approach
– Green Chemistry
– Respect for consumer health
– Solidarity and Fair Trade
– Support for vulnerable people